  • Datum 24. September 2014
  • Ort Berlin

Data Driven Innovation

  • Thema Stiftung
This year’s Innovation Policy event deals with the international exchange about the subject of Data Driven Innovation (DDI). The opportunities for DDI are endless: from safety and security to infrastructure and environment, health outcomes and education.

We would like to discuss the wide range of possibilities and challenges, open data strategies and action plans in different countries and identify what we can learn from
each other and where we could work together more closely:


• What are the economic effects of DDI and what does this mean to business, government and education?

• How could technologists, privacy advocates and policy makers work together to promote the societal, governmental and business opportunities provided by DDI?

• How can privacy and security

Innovation Policy

Technologiestiftung Berlin aims to encourage an international
dialogue on important, regionally specific aspects of
innovation, research and economy between the scientific
and economic representatives of embassies and branch
offices in Berlin.

Participation is only possible on invitation


Welcome Address
Jan Engelmann
CEO Wikimedia Deutschland e. V.

The German Capital Region
Nicolas Zimmer
CEO Technologiestiftung Berlin

United Kingdom
Kenan Poleo
Regional Director UK Science & Innovation Network – Europe, Russia and Turkey
British Embassy Berlin

Dr. Jennifer E. Decker
Counsellor (Science & Technology)
Embassy of Canada, Berlin


Nicolas Zimmer